

petek, 16. maj 2014

Theme 2 : advertising

 We had a project day , And among other things we created a few advertisements. This is what we did:

 Advertisment 1 : Energy pills

EXTRA energy pills
Get work done, workout easy, maximum strenght

This energy pills are made for workout, for burning fat and for feeling great for 5 hours.
 If you want to feel better and stronger, to study use this pills
Keep it away from children under 12 and away from pregnant womans. Use 1 pill a day don't use more than 1. They have side effects

torek, 4. marec 2014


Recently we've been working on advertising during our lessons. We discussed different commercials that we watched. We watched all kinds of commercials and decided that some were inappropriate while others were acceptable and some were really good. Here are some examples with our comments:
It's a very emotional commercial about a brother a his little sister. The big brother goes outside and paints a beautiful graffiti that says "STAY BRAVE". After a while he went home, opened the window in his little sister's room so she could see what he drew.

However it's also misleading because it stimulates pure emotions in the viewer. How nice it is to help sick people, especially children, but the company Pfizer is not like that. They play with people's emotions and and just want to sell their products and make money.

Here's an example of a bad commercial for cheese:


In the commercial there is a panda that does something bad to the customer if he refusesto take the cheese. In one clip there is a kid in the super market with his father and wants to buy the cheese panda, but the father says it's too expensive. Then the panda appears and he flips over the shopping cart of the father.

 This commercial is inappropriate beacuse it shows violence against the buyer. However it encourages violent behaviour and it constantly makes us think that violence is acceptable. Plus it's really stupid.

torek, 28. januar 2014

social networks

Analysis of questionnaire answers

There search shows that almost all of questionarians use Facebook 98 %, on second place they use Twitter 84%, 65% Instagramand 48% use Trumblr.

How much time do you spend on these networks?
Most of the students(53%) spend about 2 hours on social networks, 35% spend 1 hour and 12% of students spend 3 hours.

What do you use these networks for? Chatting, photos, studying, etc.?
We found that majority of students use the networks for chatting (90%), photos (63%), but only 35% use networks for studying. 

Do you limit the access other people have to certain parts of your network?
Almost everyone limits the access to other people (98%).

What sort of personal information do you/other people put on these sites? How much of that information is "real"?
A lot of students say that they post their real names and last names, date of birth,place where they live and in their hobbies. They somethimeslieabouth everyday thinks and having fun.

Have you ever said, posted or done anything on one of these sites that you regret?
Two students answered that they posted some photos and later on they regret it.

Why do people share the information they put on these sides?
The most common answers are: -because of popularity , because they like to share with other people what they are doing, because they want to make new friendschips.

How many of your "friends" on these sites are your friends?
Most common answer is that most of them are realy their friends.

Have you ever felt deceived by anything you have ever seen or read on these sites?
48% answer no,.32%yes and 20%maybe.

Have you ever had a bad experience because of something you, or someone else, posted on one of these sites? If so, what?
All students said no and we are very surprised about this..
Have you ever had a bad experience because of something you, or someone else, posted on one of these sites? If so, what?
All students answered no or that they do not know.
What tips would you give to someone who is just starting to use these networks now?
The most popular tip was to be careful what you want to share and to accept only real friends or people you know.